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2-Wheeled Meyhem at BA Moto's Mini Bike Races

Last weekend's "Ides of March" mini bike races at BA Moto prove that if you're willing to laugh at yourself, you can have a ton of fun and mayhem with very little money spent. Watch the following video and then you tell me who has more fun - a million dollar race team or these guys? It isn't all games and shenanigans at BA Moto, they're a full-service motorcycle shop and club specializing in British motorcycles and traditional style. ba-moto-ides-of-march-mini-bike-race-05 ba-moto-ides-of-march-mini-bike-race-04 ba-moto-ides-of-march-mini-bike-race-02 ba-moto-ides-of-march-mini-bike-race-06 ba-moto-ides-of-march-mini-bike-race-01 Follow the club on Facebook to catch more of their crazy antics and subscribe to DrivingLine's YouTube to catch all of our videos!
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