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Putting the Ridge Grappler to the Test in a Silt Bed [Video]

Silt was something I'd only experienced in small amounts before I started trekking out on course to photograph Ultra4 races and the NORRA Mexican 1000. If you've never found yourself in the middle of a true silt bed, just imagine filling a wading pool with baking flour and then trying to walk or drive through it... you very quickly sink straight to the bottom!

Ridge Grappler Review - Silt Bed Off Roading

At this year's Mexican 1000 the media crew, equipped with a Ford Raptor running on the brand new Nitto Ridge Grapplers, found themselves helping a handful of racers out of a silt bed. Each time we'd pull one buggy or truck out, another racer would drive up behind and get caught. A silt bed can be a dangerous place to be caught in and we were glad our Ridge Grapplers handled the job like a champ.

Baja 1000 Silt Bed Racers Stuck Tire Review

Watch the video above to see first-hand how the Ridge Grapplers handled the job.

Ridge Grappler Light Truck Tire Review Not sure which Grappler is right for you? We've covered that! Check out the Grappler Buyers Guide here.

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